Tuesday, June 30, 2009



Because I missed Boot Camp yesterday morning I had to go to the 6:30pm camp to make it up. The temperature was 94 degrees according to my car. My car would not lie to me.

We were in a nifty new location that had hills for our instructors to utilize.

First of all I must say that the 6:30pm class is smaller and so a bit more of a friendlier group. I had a good time talking to some of the women there.

Boot Camp is mostly women. We have 3 guys in our AM class of about 40+ people. There was only on guy in the PM class. He didn’t look like he was out of shape, but he seemed to be struggling.

I am still exhilarated when sweat drips off my face. When I’m doing push ups and it drips off of my nose…when I’m running and it skates down my jaw line to my chin. I really like that.

This guy must have been off the chart exhilarated. OMG…he looked like he was just dunked in a pool for the entire hour.

We did what they called “Suicides”.

Do I need to explain that? Sprint to the first cone, touch the ground, sprint back to the starting cone, touch the ground, sprint to the second cone, touch the ground, sprint back to the starting cone, touch the ground, sprint to the third cone and then run all the way down to the bridge and back to the starting cone where you will do about 50 squats as a cool down and then you’ll do another round of suicides.

We did this six times on flat ground. On the fifth round instructors yell out this, “C’MON YOU CAN DO IT! YOU ONLY HAVE ONE MORE OF THESE LEFT!”

Thus encouraged, I continue running even though I feel like stopping because I can see light at the end of the tunnel.

It was false light. I should have known when they used the term “one of these” that something was up.

After round six we moved to a new location where cones went up the side of a small, but steep hill.

Have you ever seen horses, pushed to the edge? They have foam in the corners of their mouths and their eyes are rolling in their sockets? That’s what I felt like when I saw that hill. I wanted to start shaking my head and pull out of my harness.

But I didn’t.

I got all….”I can do this. They can’t beat me.” I lowered my head and tried to “sprint” up the hill to cone one, then ran back down, then I sprinted again up to cone two and then ran back down, and then I sprinted (there was some groaning involved here and my sprints probably looked like NOTHING like a sprint) up to the top cone and ran down. That was round one and then we did push ups and then we did round two and then we did squats and then we did round 3 and boy were my eyes rolling then! But …I did it. I really did it.

After the suicides…we were done. It was time for our warm down…180 sit-ups. We do 6 sets of thirty. Each set is a different type of sit-up. Then we get to do stretches.

I wobbled to my car, drove home, wobbled to my house and cleaned up.

This morning I woke up at 4:45 and went to my regular Tuesday morning boot camp. Same spot, but with my regular fellow campers. This morning wasn’t as bad as yesterday, but I was amused to see that I was sweating just as much as I was the night before in 94 degree heat. Of course it was 79 degrees at 5:30 this morning. That doesn’t sound cool to me, but it felt VERY cool.

I was so worried about the heat, but it’s interesting how you’re so busy worrying about dying that you don’t even notice the weather.

Oh, a shout out to Andres’ daughter Andrea. She finished boot camp last week. She lost 12 pounds, 4 inches off of her waist and she reached very one of her fitness goals.

Hoo-Ya, Andrea!!! WAY TO GO!!!

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